30 Sept - 2 Oct 2025 | Barcelona, Spain

The Impact of Education and Cultural Centers and Events in Shaping Knowledge Districts

Thu 26 Sep | 11:45 - 12:20

The impact of education, cultural centers and events, in shaping knowledge districts, influencing the aesthetics and atmosphere of neighborhoods. In panel we will: – Discover projects, such as Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, which includes:

• Imperial College London’s masterplan, highlighting the art of creating fully developed campuses and inviting public spaces.

• University of the Arts London striking a delicate balance between institutional growth and community impact, and discover how Central St Martins in the King’s Cross masterplan becomes a pivotal element in adapting to unexpected challenges.

• The V&A East museum, BBC Music, Sadler Wells, and the London College of Fashion.

• The London College of Fashion’s transition to a purpose-built home, showcasing the seamless integration of internal creativity with public engagement. From initial design through construction challenges to completion, this journey introduces a new era of buildings—a fully integrated campus within the city.

– Discover how festivals such as Primavera Sound have an impact in the life of a city such as Barcelona or downtown LA Both Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and Primavera Sound demonstrate how design fosters a positive and transformative connection between universities, cultural centers and events, and the cities they inhabit. 

Ignacio Diaz-Mauriño

Ignacio Diaz-Mauriño

Associate Architect

AAM (Allies and Morrison)

Daniel Fletcher

Daniel Fletcher

Chief Innovation & Corporate Development Officer

Primavera Sound

Cristina Mateo

Cristina Mateo

Associate Dean at IE School of Architecture and Design

IE University (Instituto Empresa)