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30th September - 2nd October 2025
The District World Summit
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30 Sept - 2 Oct 2025 Barcelona, Spain
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THE DISTRICT WORLD SUMMIT 2024 will bring together the industry’s top professionals and leaders, representatives of the most prominent institutions in the international real estate investment industry: owners, developers, asset managers, investors, financial institutions, and advisors, linked to both public and private entities.
It will feature leading experts from the financial, real estate, and technology sectors, who will provide examples of best practices and strategies for different real estate cycles, by asset type and market.
It is open to professionals who can anticipate risks and opportunities related to real estate investment, either for their global and comprehensive vision of the factors that influence the outcome of operations, for their innovative way of solving the challenges and opportunities of the market or for their unique talent in specific aspects of the real estate business.
Proposals due: CLOSED 26th July 2024, at 23:59:59 CET.
Selected proposals notification: from 5th August 2024 on.
*The Committee reserves the right to accept proposals before 5th August.
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