30 Sept - 2 Oct 2025 | Barcelona, Spain
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Anticipating the European Real Estate Megatrends

THE DISTRICT is the new international professional event where the future strategy of the Real Estate sector in Europe is defined, and where Real Estate specialist capital (equity and debt) meets. A place to take the pulse, understand the economic cycle, the timing of the different asset classes (traditional and alternative), the risk versus return profile of core, core plus, value add, and opportunistic investments.


A space where to understand the yields of each asset class, and the “classic risks” of planning, construction, and market. We will discover the moment of the debt: the risk profile that can be financed by the “loan to value” and the cost of traditional banking and the “loan to cost” of the different alternative financing pots, etc…


Discover in the exhibition area the most attractive real estate projects to invest in along with the largest European congress – The District World Summit – where the real estate sector promotes neighborhoods of the future, where sometimes they are residential neighborhoods, sometimes office buildings, hotel projects, data centers, service buildings, shopping centers, logistics centers, hospitals, research centers, or all at once. With the highest technological component offered by the Proptech industry to reach new competitiveness goals.


More than 380 international experts in 5 auditoriums make up the best program with more than 270 hours of conferences dedicated to the real estate sector. With 4 C-Level agendas (CEO/Managing Partners, Founders & GP, CIO-CTO, Real Estate Pros) and vertical forums for each segment (Residential, Hotels, Cross-Border Investment, Offices, Retail & Shopping Centers, Industry & Logistics, Alternative Markets).


All this is surrounded by good times in the most fun Barcelona and “night live” events.

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What to expect at The District 2024?

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